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    Hubungan Kualitas Tidur Dengan Fungsi Kognitif Pada Lansia Di Bplu Senja Cerah Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    : Aging is a condition that's occurs in human thats not only starting from a certain time but also starts from the beginning of life. Globally the elderly population continues to increase. Globally the elderly population continues to grow. The increasing elderly is accompanied by health problems faced. Degenerative process in the elderly cause deterioration in the physical,social,and pshycologi. One of the effect of physical experienced by elderly is the occurrence of sleep disturbances and cognitive function. Purpose this study was aimed to identify clearly about relationship of sleep quality and cognitive function in elderly at BPLU Senja Cerah, North Sulawesi Province. Design research using cross sectional study which is data related to the independent variables and dependent variable that will be collected at the same time. Sampling using sampling Jenuh / Total Sampling with total sampel of 38 people. Statistical Test Results chi square with 95% (α=0,05) confidence level and p value 0,027 < 0,05 optained. Conclusion There is Relationship Sleep Quality with Cognitive Function in the elderly at BPLU Senja Cerah North Sulawesi Province